Apple will officially kill iPhone 7 16GB ROM version

Apple is sprinting up to get ready for their iPhone 7 release in H2 2016. As the big day is coming closer, the company has just finalized an interesting decision

iPhone 7

iPhone 7 line up: no 16GB ROM being produced

It is such a common knowledge that Apple iPhone never comes with a microSD card slot to expand their in
ternal storage. Therefore, users can rely only on their built-in ROM to store files and media. Knowing that, Apple has finally decided that its time to say good by to their low configuration – 16GB ROM. Instead, this variant will be replaced with a 32GB capacity, offering more space for their future iPhone 7 users.

The reason for this change is that, iOS updates are getting heavier and heavier, and with too small free space, it is hard to get the upgrade and run smoothly. Especially when rumors are saying that, iPhone 7 will have very condensed retina Apps and high resolution musics, as well as an upcoming streaming Video service. We even think that, with these configurations, maybe even the 32GB ROM is not far from enough.

iPhone 7

However, many users are saying that, for a long time now, the 16GB model has been the most popular, thanks to its affordable price. Such removal of the “budget” variant will likely cause a great decline in the amount of iPhone 7 bought worldwide? Or will it even boost the sales stronger for meeting up with public’s demands?

iPhone 7: 32GB ROM is “just enough”

Apple iPhone, despite being the forever controversial topic in our smartphone market, always succeed in making a great hit whenever launched. Prior to the official iPhone 7 release date, Apple has been hinting a lot of interesting news about their flagship. The fact that iPhone 7 will soon kill out 16GB ROM variant is only making the topic more and more appealing to smartphone users worldwide. (Source)