Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro vs. Nokia 8 Compact: 4GB RAM, 20MP cam..

Today, we have a great comparison between Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro vs. Nokia 8 Compact. Besides, these smartphones have 4GB RAM, 20MP cam and more.

Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro vs

Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro vs. Nokia 8 Compact: Specs comparison

The first factor of Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro vs. Nokia 8 Compact battle is the performance. Under the hood, the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro specs offer Exynos 7870, Octa-core 1.6GHz processor. Also, the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro has 3 GB RAM and 32/64 GB internal storage which is expandable up to 256GB. Meanwhile, the Nokia 8 Compact specs pack Snapdragon 660 chipset and Octa-core 4×2.45GHz processor. Additionally, the new Nokia 8 Compact comes with 4GB RAM and 64/128GB ROM (extendable up to 256GB). Regarding the performance, the Nokia 8 Compact is better than Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro.

Furthermore, the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro cameras have the 13MP lens for the main shooter and 13MP sensors for the secondary shooter. Otherwise, the Nokia 8 Compact cameras draw 20MP PureView Carl Zeiss optics on the rear and 12MP lens on the front-facing for selfies. In term of the photography, the new Nokia 8 Compact smartphone is dominant over Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro mobile again.

Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro vs

For the next specs, we come to the screen of Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro vs. Nokia 8 Compact comparison. Specifically, the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro specs contain 5.5 inches Super AMOLED display with a 1080 x 1920 pixels resolution. Meanwhile, the Nokia 8 Compact specs include a 4.8 inches Full HD display. Moreover, Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro mobile runs on Android 7.1 (Nougat) with 3600mAh battery life. Besides, Nokia 8 Compact phone works on Android 8.0 with 3100mAh battery capacity.

Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro vs. Nokia 8 Compact: Price comparison

We expect the Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro price is around Rs. 43,849 ~ $679. Otherwise, the Nokia 8 Compact price starts from $946 or Rs. 60,978. So, which one can become the winner in this battle? Share with us your ideas.