Tango plus Daydream: augmented VR?

Can you imagine that: Project Tango Augmented Reality platform mixed with Google’s Daydream VR platform? How crazy would that be if Google really combines Tango plus Daydream? But that might be possible soon…

Tango plus Daydream

What is Tango plus Daydream?

For those who don’t know what Tango and Daydream are: Project Tango is an innovative technology from Google that enables augmented reality (AR) gaming and utilities which also allows you to see virtual objects and information overlaid onto the real world. In addition is Daydream Google’s new high-quality virtual reality platform for Android. If you would combine these amazing technologies on one device, you cannot deny that would be genius!

The leader of the Tango Team, Johnny Lee recently mentioned that he wants to combine Tango with Daydream in the nearly future. A mix of these technologies could lead to completely new possibilities. In fact, there is a smartphone that is able to feature both technologies: The new ASUS ZenFone AR. But unfortunately, it cannot run both platforms at the same time, they can be used just separately. Even devices which are packed with either Tango (Lenovo Phab 2) or Google’s Daydream (Pixel and Pixel XL) have already difficulties with running the platforms in terms of heating up or processor problems.

Tango plus Daydream

Hopefully, they can launch a smartphone with this special feature very soon because there are so many Google fans waiting for it. Johnny Lee and the Tango team are already working on improving the platforms to provide their customers the maximum level of fun by combining Tango with Daydream on one single mobile device. 

Tango plus Daydream to be unveiled!

We are very excited about this awesome combination and are already looking forward to the day when a device will be released on which both technologies can run. That would be the technological sensation of the year for sure!