These fathers are unbelievable. Picture 8 totally surprised me!

Father and Son: Truly one of the best relationships for your whole life. We have 15 pics for you that really prove this fact.

It doesnt matter if learning how to walk or take a nap: With Daddy everything is much better! These funny pictures are nearly too cute to be true!

1. What has this Mini-Rowdy planned? In any case he is working together with Daddy!


2.If your father is a soldier, there is always discipline at home. This tiny guy is traning already for his future career.


3. For those small Twins, there is no safer place anywhere on Earth: Very close to Papa’s Heart


4.Totally relaxed: This small dude is an exact copy of his father


5.This daddy is playing the guitar and the baby gets totally silent. There is nothing more beautiful then a lullaby by daddy.


6. Who says only Women know about make up? This father knows hundred percent how to make a princess of his daughter6

7. This is not exactly a batmobile, but this dad shows his son how to be a future Formula One Driver!


8.This father is totally into MultiTasking. Now you just cant be too loud, or you wake up the Baby!

9.Sometimes Papa needs to show first how to do it. We only can hope that this pink pot  holds.


10. Exactly like Papa! These two guys are just too cute to be true.


11. Papa holds Baby, Baby holds Smartphones: Thats today’s world.


12. To be alone is boring. Big Papa needs to get in with the baby!


13. Daddy is not totally happy. But if the daughter did her own toes already, daddy is next!13

14.You cant discuss that they look alike. If Daddy wouldnt have this beart – there is a real danger of mix-ups!


15. Even if this small guy is barely as big as daddy’s arm: He already copied dadies comfy sleeping position!


These Pictures show one thing! Like father, like son! Shares this with all Daddys and Non-Daddys to show: Papa will always be the Best!
