What happen if Google went down in 30 minutes?

Do you realise that we all depend on Google? We started our computer business from opening “Google.com”. So, what will happen if Google Error happen in 30 minutes? 

Google Eror

What would happen if Google Error happen in 30 minutes?

Actually, Google Error happens more gradually than what you know. In August 2013, Google and all of its services went down for about 3 mins. Thus, all of the internet traffic decrease for a massive 40 percents.  That is the same for the accident  occurred in May 2009. You have to note that those problems just took place for several minutes. Imagine Goole shut down for 30 mins, it hard to imagine but here is what will happen!

First, the first reaction of users is checking their internet connection. That certainly happens because a little people think that Google can go down. Someone might even complain to their Internet service provider. Some other will even consider hardware problems. As the result, they will lose 30 minutes. Second, after messing their computer, they will see Google got accident! However, someone still tries to reload google homepage again and gain. Next, users will start taking screenshots about Google Server Error Page.

google Eror

Fourth, your facebook newsfeed will be full of “What the f**k Google is doing?” or ” How can I live from now all. Along with them are a couple of screenshots images. Last, People will find the solution by using alternate Search engines. But actually, not all of them know alternate search engines!

What happen after Google Error go out?

First of all, Google will public their sorry and send statements to express too. Then, people around the world will work overtime in searching business the cause of the outage. Google problem could be gone out but other involved-website  doesn’t. They have to find experts to solve their situation. And last, people will definitely realise “How we are too dependent on Google?”