5 tips to ensure your Facebook account security

Facebook now has been a part of people’s lives. The more popular Facebook is, the more necessary to protect your privacy. In this article, we will go through some tips to ensure your Facebook account security.

facebook account security

Facebook account security: easiest ways

The first easiest way to provide Facebook account security is a strong password. You already have your password created for Facebook, however you need to make sure your Facebook password is one of a kind. At least it is not easy to remember for people who want to steal your account. To change your password, go to Account Settings > General > Password.

Secondly, confirming your mobile number is one of the ways to protect your Facebook account security. To add your mobile number, go to Account Settings > Mobile and choose Add a Phone. Select your country and set the mobile carrier before clicking Next. Then follow the instructions to get a code number via SMS, then enter the code into the column.

facebook account security

Thirdly, you can enable Login Approvals, which is an extended security feature offered by Facebook, and it will require you to enter a security code each time you try to access your Facebook account from unrecognized devices. To activate Login Approvals, go to Account Settings > Security, find for Login Approvals and click on the Edit button and then tick the check box to activate. Fourthly, you can just simply enable Secure Browsing to make your account more secure by going to Go to Home > Account Settings > Security > Secure Browsing.

Facebook account security: protection from the beginning

Finally, there is another protection method for your Facebook account security, which is also related to Login process. Login Notification is set to give you notification through cell phone whenever any body tries to login with your User ID and Password. When you receive such message, change your password right away because the hacker has got your password and is trying to log in to your Facebook Account. To Enable Login Notification, go to Home > Account Settings > Security > Login Notification. Put a Check Mark on your preferred option and click Save Changes button.