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5 Tips To Speed Up Android Phones

One drawback of Android phones is that they sometimes encounter lags. If you happen to own an Android phone and have to deal with the same problem, here are 5 helpful tips to speed up Android phones.

Speed Up Android Phones: Take care of your apps!

To speed up Android phones, the first thing you have to do is keep your apps updated. Not only some important apps but all the apps you’ve installed on your phone. If your phone doesn’t support automatic updates, you should check for the updates manually and frequently. Some of your apps are laggy because they are outdated. Getting the newest version can solve that problem.. And don’t forget to check for the system updates in the “About phone” option. However, you shouldn’t update by 3G or 4G because it will cost you a fortune!

Second, to speed up Android phones, you need to remove or disable unnecessary apps. After using a phone for a long time, you may store up too many apps. And usually, those apps slow down the performance. You may hesitate to uninstall them, saying that you will use them at some point, but trust me, you won’t! So if there is any app you haven’t used for more than a month, go ahead remove it! Also, you should disable some unnecessary apps running in the background to minimize the lagging issue.

Besides, you had better clean up your home screen. This is a good way to speed up Android phones. Home screen widgets are great, but many of them consume lots of RAMs and even some of them are not necessary. So if you find your phone too sluggish, you should try removing abundant widgets on your home screen and see the result!

Speed Up Android Phones: Power saving mode and full factory reset

Power saving mode is very helpful sometimes. However, you should know that this mode slows down the performance, as it reduces the clock speed of your processor and the display rate. Hence, you should use the power saving mode only when necessary. And finally, when you have tried all of the tips below and your phone still performs badly, consider the full factory reset. This function will speed up Android phones by removing all of your data in the internal storage and returning your phone to the beginning. But before you resort to this method, remember to backup all of your important data in advanced.

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