Budget travel tips 2018 shared by traveling experts and local supporters!!

Summer is coming, and we are here to share with you some simple and budget travel tips 2018 that you may not mind before. Keep on reading to find out!

1. Pick the off-season

When you set the plan for your next trip, please keep in mind that you should always have a notebook to remind all the things you need. First, you need to know the place you would like to spend your days off. When the place is decided, let’s get to the ideas for the perfect time to pack and go.

For those of you who do not know, the travel season is also the matter for your budget. In general, you may find out that travelling is not that expensive. In fact, spring and fall are usually excellent times to travel on a budget for most places. When travelling in these seasons, you can save on flight fare, accommodations and touring services.

Pick the off-season

2. Save on Air Travel

First, find flight deals on the travelling agencies as much as possible as you can. In details, you can use a search engine that scours other sites with relating services. For instance, Airtreks.com and Bootsnall.com are both reliable search engines that specialise in multi-destination. Moreover, you should check the quality and the price deals between sites for specific flight agencies. Notably, flights booked on weekends usually comes more expensive than weekdays.

Save on Air Travel

3. Save on Local Transportation

Before you go, keep in mind and make sure what you plan for travelling to local destinations when staying. As we witnessed, most people do not care about the matter and finally take a taxi, which costs a bunch of money. In our opinion, you can use the public transportation like buses, trains, or subway. This cost less and you can interact with the local people and save time for self-driving and do sight-seeing on the way. Keep your identity card by your side for discounts if you are students. Meanwhile, the share services for buses and taxis are recommended too. However, for group or family travelling, we suggest car rentals for your most convenience.

Save on Local Transportation


4. Save on Living Cost

Regarding accommodations, there are plenty of options including hotels, hostels, cabins or houses. For sure, you can get the deals of these services with small researches via Priceline.com or Hostels.com before travelling. By doing analyses before going, you can also re-read the reviews for your upcoming stay as well as negotiate the services and fares (regardless of the deals). Also, during your stay, avoid restaurants if you do not want to throw your money out the window. Instead, eating at local places or food cart may spend a little less but some more experience. When you insist on restaurants for signature meals you want to try, you may want to go for lunch since it is less expensive than other periods.

Save on Living Cost

5. Group Travel Outfitters

Finally, we recommend group travel since if you do not know the language of the country, you are visiting. Also, people who are trying out activities new such as hiking in the Himalayas with no mountaineering experience. In fact, it is always better to have a local guide than independently planning. Moreover, the outfitters would help you to save up to 10% for your travelling cost since they what is the best price offer, which you never find on a guidebook. As a result, it’s a win-win when you can save up your time and your money, isn’t it?

Group Travel Outfitters

Budget travel tips 2018

In conclusion, you can significantly reduce your transportation, food and lodging expenses with a little pre-trip planning and flexibility. What you need to do is some researches and bargaining skills. What travel tips would you like to add to this list? Let us know below! Find more on our topics here!