Cicret bracelet: amazing technology that turns your ARM into a TABLET anytime!

Circret, a design company from Paris, France had an ambition to produce a tablet device that run on your arm by wearing a bracelet. In other words, this Cicret bracelet turns your arm into a tablet device that can operate even underwater. Interesting enough, this Cicret bracelet promises an appealing future for both the technology industry and the wearable industry.

Cicret bracelet
Even at bath time?

Cicret bracelet: your ARM is also your TABLET

Are you wondering how the Cicret bracelet works? The device runs a tiny “pico projector” and eight miniature proximity sensors to “replicate” an image of your device screen on to your arm. This means that, to activate the Cicret tablet, you will need a separate mobile device. A special low energy Bluetooth will communicate with that device and use Wi-Fi to connect you to the network. The Cicret bracelet also comes with a vibrate function and a micro USB charging port.

“Touching your arm with your finger will interrupt one of the sensors and return the instruction back to the processor” – the Cicret bracelet.


Cicret bracelet: your ARM is also your TABLET

In order to initiate the display on your arm, you will need to flick your wrist. The Cicret bracelet is made water resistant and very durable so that you can carry along anywhere and anytime: bath time, beach time, walking in the rain…

More excitingly, the “tablet” on your skin will be controlled by simple gestures like flick, swipe, pinch and zoom together with tap to text function. You will even be able to answer the phone with a flick of your wrist.


Cicret bracelet: what are the options?

The Cicret bracelet will have 2 ROM versions: 32GB and 16GB. It will also comes with 10 different color options. Cicret actually initiated this project around 2 years ago and even raised funds to really bring it to real life. The company claimed to launch their unique Cicret bracelet in June 2015.

However, until now, we haven’t heard any latest update from the French company. We hope they have enough fundings and are still seriously working on this. Because, do you imagine how awesome it can be if we are bathing in the sea and still be able to answer phone calls?