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Can Civilization 6 become a big competitive e-sport?

Civilization 6 is one Real-time Strategy (RTS) game. RTS games are usually great playing alone, or with a group of friends. However, can it become big as a competitive e-sport? It may, when recently a big organization has created a new team with some serious members!

Can Civilization 6 become a big competitive e-sport?

Team Liquid, a big e-sport organization, as declared their intention for pushing the professional Civilization 6 environment. The first step in this goal is the creation of a new team. This is no ordinary team either: the famous strategy game player Stephen Takowsky, a.k.a. “MrGameTheory”, will be the new team’s captain. He is a former world champion of Civilization, and has achieved the #1 rank in Civilization Revolution leader board, Civilization IV international league, and Civilization V international league. He holds the most records for 1v2, 1v3, 1v4 and 1v5 victories in Civilization IV.

With the creation of the team with a fantastic captain at its helm, Team Liquid’s intention of making Civilization 6 big is serious. Its CEO, Steve Arhancet, or “LiQuiD112”, started competitively with the Civilization franchise, and it is the fourth installment that made him want to seriously pursue e-sport. He eventually left his job in the field of finance to follow his dream. Now, he has a lot to do if he wants to realize his dream.

On MrGameTheory’s part, he stated that he was honored to be chosen as the team captain. He and Steve actually won the Civilization Championhip Cup back in 2007, and he described it as one of the best moments of his life. He also said that he is ready for more challenges. Team Liquid will announce the addition of two more members of the new team, and also plans several tournaments ahead to find the exceptional players. The ambition is there, so all that’s left is the audience’s reception.

Civilization: A long way to become a big e-sport

With RTS games’ nature, which is quite long in duration for each match, it is interesting to see if Civilization can capture the audience’s excitement. It will be hard, especially the hypes nowadays are all about action-pack games, such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and League of Legends! However, Starcraft, also a RTS game, managed to become big, so everything is still up in the air for Civilization 6.

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