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FOCUS: What to Include in the Education Section of a Resume?

Working on your Resume to look for a job but still confuse on what to put in the Education Section? Then let our article help you today! Read on!

What to Include in the Education Section of a Resume!

First, you should always list the schools you attended, the degrees you attained, your GPA if you are a student or a recent graduate, and any awards or honours you earned during your study. On the other hand, make sure that you put down your current occupants: whether you are still a student or not. Moreover, you need to tailor the education sections on your resume to fit the job you are applying.

You can also state the work experience and academic achievements you have. By doing this, you can now impress your potential employers with the right information. Additionally, one of the most critical information to include in the education section is your degree(s) and the schools you attended. You can also share more specific information like your major and minor.

If your GPA is impressive; we don’t see why you shouldn’t include it. Regarding the school honours, this varies from Latin (such as cum laude or magna cum laude) to Dean’s List or other awards. Besides, you can note down the extracurricular clubs, charitable groups, or Greek organisations where you were active /or held a leadership role. Furthermore, where should you put this information? If you are still a student or recent graduate, you might want to put the education section towards the top of the resume to highlight your academic success. If you have more work experience, then it’s better to showcase them than your Education. You might move this section towards the bottom of your resume. Lastly, do consider subsections. If you have a lot of information to include, consider breaking this section into paragraphs.

What to Include in the Each Section of a Resume?

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