Final Android P beta is now available for Pixels and Essential smartphone!

Today, Google finally released their last Android P Developer Preview 5 (Beta 4) for their Pixel devices. For more information about this new operating system, read on right below!

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Final Android P release candidate is now available!

Before official launching, Google has been releasing their Android P Developer Preview on their Pixel devices. In details, this patch allows their users can take the opportunity to test the new operating system before their public release. Moreover, all the testers can also submit their feedback to Google on any problem. Today, Google has deported the final Beta update. Besides, Essential also quickly released the latest Beta for its PH-1 handset.

The Android P Beta update includes “a release candidate build with final system behaviours. Additionally, there is also the official Android P APIs (API level 28)”. This means that the latest Beta is almost 100% the final build of Android P, hence the name a ‘release candidate’. On the other hand, the Beta 4’s build number is now PPP5.180610.010. If you install the Android Beta on a Pixel device, make sure you can see the name PPP5 before letting the build download over-the-air.

Android P

For now, the factory images of the beta are available for the download. Furthermore, we also see that an OTA for those with Pixel devices already on Beta 3 won’t arrive yet. However, Google says this release is going to happen soon. The OTA should be live now. So, what does the new Android OS bring? First, we can expect to have a new refined UI with swipe-gesture navigation. Besides, the new OS also comes with the new multitasking interface. Additionally, there is the new Android’s Adaptive Battery feature, which promises a more optimised battery life. You can find out more about this OS HERE!

What does the P in Android P stand for?

For now, the letter “P” of Android P is not yet confirmed. However, we expect Google to spill the secret about this name soon! What do you think the P will stand for? Leave your guesses in the comments!