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Final Fantasy XV to have online co-op play!

Final Fantasy is has always been a single-player series, except for XI and XIV, which are MMORPG (you can check some games of the type here). Now, for Final Fantasy XV, we can play online co-op – of course, not for free.

Final Fantasy XV to have online co-op play!

Final Fantasy is one of the greatest JRPGs of all time. There have been 14 numbered titles so far, with XI and XIV being MMORPG. The franchise has been known to have deep story, well developed characters, and interesting battle systems that very strategic. Some of them has been considered great legacies of Square Enix. This year, we will great the 15th installment of the franchise, which will be late November. This installment will have one new feature: online co-op.

In the recent Paris Game Week event, Square has revealed that Final Fantasy XV will feature online co-op play. This new feature will come in the form of a DLC, and players with season pass can get access to it immediately. This DLC is called “Comrades”, which allows up to four players to play as Noctis, Ignis, Prompto and Gladiolus together as a group. It has not been known yet about the price of this individual DLC, and the Final Fantasy XV season pass price is $25.

Along with “Comrades”, there will also be three other DLCs, focusing on each of Noctis’s companions. Also, in this event, Square has also announced that the game itself has gone gold, which means that all developments are finished. This is quite notable as well, considering that the game itself has been in development for the past ten years (it was previously titled Final Fantasy versus XIII).

Final Fantasy XV will hit the market soon!

Final Fantasy XV release date is slated to be November 29. It will be available for PS4 and Xbox One. Very soon, we will be able to live in another wonderful fantasy world created by Square once again. Are you excited for the game?

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