How to keep track with all Windows phone updates?

Windows 10 Anniversary has just been released and many of Windows phone users still don’t know how to get it and what is new in this version. Take a look at this article to not miss any Windows phone updates!

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Windows phone updates: How to follow up with all of them?

The first way to keep up with Windows phone updates is using Windowscentral and Mspoweruser. These two are famous news apps that provides latest information and detailed review on the updates. If you wanna know what’s new in the version you have just updated, or even what’s wrong with it, these apps will be the ideal choices for you. Both of them even keep you updated with XBOX’s latest information. Between the two, Windowscentral seems to be more “expert” and appears with more professional photos.

The second way to not miss the latest Windows phone updates is downloading Nokiapoweruser. The interesting thing about this app is that most of the news appears in the form of videos, which is more catching than words. This app usually talks about the comparison between two different builds, between Android and Windows. It even has hands-on review about the latest builds, including what’s new and what’s problematic.

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The third way to catch up with all Windows phone updates is installing Windowsblogitalia. This app shows the latest Windows updates. After you install this app, it will make your phone vibrate whenever there’s a new update!

Windows phone updates: Not only the builds

Finally we can use AppRaisin. A good windows phone is not only defined by the builds but also the apps right? AppRaisn is a great application that helps users download the latest updates of their current apps and games. It also introduces usefull apps and games to users. What makes this app trustworthy is that it considers different sources and comes up with the most high-quality ones.