Price Pony

Huawei: Not worth for 4K display in flagship devices

Huawei claims that utilizing 4K screens to smartphones of 2015 would require too many compromises to be made for the technology to be worth the trade-offs.

FHD, QHD and might be 4K Display is seemingly a logical improvement for 2015 high-end flagships. Frankly, its upgrade probably give us a more interesting experiences. But, its seems that that activity is not really worth.

According to Kevin Ho, Huawei’s president of product,  while 4K screens look great on large displays, it’s hard to see the differences between them by our eyes.

“Maybe we have to compromise. For huge screens 4K is very good but for the smartphone it is 5-inch or 6-inch at the very most. Maybe our eye’s can’t tell the difference.”

He also said that “4K needs a lot of power, so if you use it you have to make compromises. A 4K display on a smartphone may give you half a day of battery life but a 2K display can give you maybe one day or more” and “4K has four times the pixels of Full HD so the power consumption is maybe 4 or 8 times as much as Full HD so the smartphone has to have compromises with battery life.”

Besides that, Joonsuh Kim, SVP of Huawei’s mobile ID team added: “For the moment, we do not care about the number game. There are a lot of companies showing off what they can do. What we are focusing on is how we can deliver true value to the end consumer.”

Therefore, according to Kim, they will concentrate on design, usability as well as price instead of a competition and it’s more worth.

While it seemingly increase the number of 2K displays high-end smartphones now, some leading handset makers have even questioned the benefits of QHD panels. For an example, Calum MacDougall, Sony’s Director of Xperia Marketing, suggested 2K screens were not worth the battery compromise.

Raising a question: How much do we definitely need a 4K Displays on mobiles, while it’s not really worth to invest new sensor and battery upgrades instead in current price?

Huawei has not ruled out adding 4K displays in the future either, clearly showing the potential of a swing in resolution over 2015 and 2016 to even higher resolution panels.

So, it’s the answer why the leak about the latest Huawei P8 comes with 5.5″ FHD? What do you think about its decide?




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