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New quadrooter Android bug attacking billion Android devices

Android is not the rival of IOS in security capabilities. Recently, there is a big bug appear on Android device, which makes the user worry. Let’s check it now!

Android bug from billion devices

From the Check Point Researchers-a security firm, smartphone users are facing to a huge problem. There is a bug called Dubbed QuadRoooter which affects to Android phones powered by Qualcomm chipsets. Recent statement reports there are over 900 million smartphones and tablets dropped in “QuadRooter” case.  Samsung Galaxy S7 flagship is not out of that. And even the most secure Android phone-BlackBerry DTEK50 got the same problem.

Through that vulnerabilities, hackers can control the phone or tablet easily and completely. As the result, they can access to your personal saving storage to steal personal information. It’s more dangerous when you have a very importance information and secret. To start the attack, the attacker tricks users into installing malware which will mess their phone later.

The problem was confirmed come from Qualcomm chipmaker. That is a bug found in software drivers which were supported on Android devices. So, it is hard to realise as well as to prevent it.

Android bug: The express from Qualcomm

When the Android bug was found, Qualcomm has received a lot of notifications from the user and “blue hat hacker”. The chipmaker announced that all the bugs were out and help customer escape their situation. To prevent that problem, Qualcomm advises users to update the recent Android security software from Google. Besides, update your system is also the effective solution, at least to reduce bugs. Especially, to help your solve that problem, Check Point has launched a free QuadRooter Scanner app on Google Play. This app can notice you there are these bugs on your smartphone or not. So, be careful but don’t worry!

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