Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 vs HTC 10: Camera comparison!

They may share the same camera technology but when it comes to real-life photography, there are some differences! Let’s have a camera comparison between Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 vs HTC 10!

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 vs HTC 10: Auto-mode

The best way to test the camera is to shot objects in low-light condition or at night! In this case, between Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 vs HTC 10, the Samsung phone is the only one to feature HDR (High Dynamic Range) automatically! Meanwhile, in HTC 10 and LG G5, HDR mode is selective just like most other smartphones. The auto HDR mode in Samsung Galaxy S7 helps compensate for the cases where highlights or shadows are deeper than we expect. Moreover, Galaxy S7’s wider aperture makes it easier for the phone to welcome more lights, which results in good color and sharpness in low-light environment.

Next in this camera comparison of Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 vs HTC 10, let’s talk about LG G5. The shooter of LG G5 only changes a bit from its predecessor: the color saturation is different in Auto mode. Though packing the same sensor aperture and lens, the color balance of LG G5 is quite different. The images taken by this snapper receive some desaturation while their colors are still good! The HDR mode is able to cure extreme shadows and highlights. The only drawback of LG G5 camera is that it tend to overexpose subjects in bright settings.

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 vs HTC 10 (2)

Last but not least in this Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 vs HTC 10 camera comparison. HTC 10 has gained a huge improvement, compared to its predecessors. While in HTC One M9, the photos taken often have muted colors. But the company has dramatically reduce that problem in HTC 10! More than that, the images taken by HTC 10 look better after they are transferred to a computer.

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 vs HTC 10: who wins?

This seems to be the closest camera battle between the thre Android flagships from giant brand! All those phones click great photos, even in low-light conditions! But overall, the Samsung Galaxy S7 impresses us the most thanks to its solid performance! The auto mode and the fast focus technology of this Samsung phone really make it easier for users to enjoy taking pictures!