Phone explosion: It’s iPhone 7’s turn!

Samsung has drawn lots of attention these days due to the multiple cases of Galaxy Note 7 phone explosion. However, Note 7’s rival – iPhone 7 has just been reported to also blow up! Let’s take a look! 

phone explosion hihihi

Phone explosion: it’s iPhone 7’s turn

Recently, kroopthesnoop – a Reddit user has reported that the iPhone 7 Plus his co-worker ordered had exploded before the man even had the chance to experience the A10 chipset and the dual camera. To be more specific, when the man received the new iPhone from the delivery service, the package of the phone was partly burned and after unwrapped, the iPhone inside looked like it had exploded. Kroopthesnoop then took some photos and posted them to the internet (as we can see below).

Kroopthesnoop has shared that “Something happened between the factory and the deliver”. He also added that after the incident was reported to Apple’s customer care service, an executive from Apple’s office in Texas paid a visit to the co-worker to collect further information about the case. The Apple representative also offered a replacement after the brand have worked with AT&T.

phone explosion

So far, both Apple and UPS – the company that is responsible for the delivery of the iPhone, have not made any public statement about this phone explosion. In the meantime, there have been many controversy about the cause of the incident. While many people accuse Apple of this explosion, some users guess that the owner has put the iPhone package in the… microwave and then tries to blame the company.

Phone explosion: The cause is yet unknown

As mentioned above, Apple has not left any comment about this case. Compared to the similar scandal of Samsung, Apple is quite “lucky” this time because this iPhone 7 Plus was found exploded before the user was able to use the handset. The fact that the phone blew up during delivery leaves an opportunity for Apple to not be considered the sole cause of the phone explosion. Now, let’s wait for the official statement from Apple!