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Smash iPhone: this is how Chinese patriots do

Smash iPhone- this is a new trend of the Chinese patriots. They do it to object the decision of the South China Sea ruling. Well, this is how they do to show their loves to the country.

Smash iPhone: this is how Chinese patriots do

We all know that in the South China Sea arbitration ruling, Philippines won the case. According to that, China doesn’t have any legal evidence to prove that South Sea belongs to them. Many big countries like the USA, UK or Europe supports the international judge’s decision. And this makes the Chinese people aren’t happy at all. In fact, they are very angry and aggressive.

To show the anger and aggressions, they decide to boycott mangoes (the signature of Philippines) and crash iPhones+ avoid KFC. This is like a payback to Filipinos and American. They show hostile attitudes to the world . This is not a first time the patriots from China do these expressions. They used to do this to Japanese by smashing Japanese cars.

Many people have said that they won’t use any products or services from those countries, including the ones supporting the ruling. The most two affected target of this movement is iPhone and mango from Phillipines. They smash iPhones and posted the images on Weibo. Mago shops stops selling this kind of product or claim that their mangoes are from Thailan or China.

Smash iPhone: a big loss of Apple

With this situation, Apple is definiately not happy at all. It will make the revenue of the US company decline dramatically. Because China is one of the most important markets of Apple. Previously, this US brand was also requested to shut down iBooks and iTunes Movies services. iPhone 7 is about to release. And the Chinese will refuse to buy it. Well, this is the way they show their loves to the mother land. They can’t fight directly, they won’t be fool to “provides bullets for the enemy”.

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