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Tips to take best smartphone pictures

Many of us enjoy taking pictures with our phones. However, the pictures sometimes don’t look as good as we expected. So, today let’s flick through few tips to enhance your photography skills.

Knowing what is the subject

For any type of picture, you should give people something to latch their attention on viewing your photo. For example, at the party, instead of shooting random people mingling in a room, it is better to get close-ups of the guest or two who is laughing or singing. The photo now is more impressive because the viewer can easily understand what is the topic of the photo: people having fun at a party. Well, people mingling should not be forgotten, but it should be in the background, to show that the party is well attended.


The same principle applies to the events which has a huge amount of attendants. It’s better to home in on one or two people than on the entire group of people, though the rest can still be in the background. For landscapes, you should focus on a specific elements, such as mountains or some trees. The viewers may or may not have the same sense of grandeur as what you get, but at least, they can understand what you have shown them.

Beyond eye level

The good thing about smartphone camera is that you can flexible changing the perspective. The object looked generic different from different angle and distance. So, be willing to by just lowering the phone, crouch down or even lie on the ground to given viewers a fresh perspective, instead of just standing up and taking the photo.

Play around with depth and consider the background

Alright, when you are just right next to a landmark and you want to take pictures? What should you do? There is no law says that you must stand next to the landmarks. You will look so tiny if the landmark is huge. Since photos are two dimensional, why you don’t stand closer to the camera and let the landmarks become your beautiful background. While it’s important to have a clear subject in your shot, the background can enhance it by placing the scene in context. Obviously, you still need to try various depths and different angles of background until you get the most beautiful one.

The rules of thirds

Most of the camera has a function, which helps you draw the vertical and horizontal lines on the screen. Usually, eyes tend to gravitate at the lines intersect first, so ideally, you should keep your main subjects there.  If you’re shooting a horizon or skyline, have it match one of the imaginary horizontal lines. For shots of people, have the eyes fall along one of those lines.


Do not use zoom unless you have an iPhone 7 Plus or Moto Z

Unless you have an iPhone 7 Plus or Motorola Moto Z with True Zoom, try to avoid zooming. Most of the smartphones are getting the digital zoom. The pictures actually are not getting larger, the digital zoom is just stretching out like elastic using software. People also call it as “fake zoom”. It will cause you feeling uncomfortable when you check it out on desktop, web browser or printing out for a photo frame.

Tips for taking stunning pictures

Above are five tips that you should keep in mind when you compose any shot, whether of family during the holidays or sights during a vacation. With those basically tips, you don’t need to own a fancy camera or mess with manual controls to have stunning pictures. Share with us your photography experience by left your comment below!


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