Unfortunate League of Legends champions that never came

League of Legends, as we all know, comes with a big collection of heroes (or champions, as we call them). However, to have such a big roster, some initial heroes have been cut before the game officially came. Let’s have a look at some of the cool unfortunate League of Legends champions!

League of Legends champions

1. CeeCee, the Hextech Engineer

Originally, she was designed to be a support character. With her giant mechanical workbench, she can fend off incoming attacks and make the first move in fights for her AD carry (physical damage units that get so strong late in the game if buffed right). Her first concepts were created when Riot Games wanted to improve the role of supports in the game. The goal was to make a unique support hero who can do more than heal, provide buffs, and inflict status effects to help the AD carry.

However, as development went on, the shield concept became the main focus. Eventually, Riot scrapped the engineer concept and started to develop a shield wielding hero. In the end, another hero replaced her, with the name Braum, and CeeCee’s concept was put in the drawer ever since. Such a promising, yet unfortunate hero among the ranks of League of Legends champions!

League of Legends champions


2. Mardok, the Fisher of Souls

A long time ago, this hero was he archaeologist Dr. Mark Strauss. The unfortunate explorer vanished on an expedition in the caves of South Arden. The subject of his research, the dark energies, warped him and made him an undead. He was stripped off of his flesh, leaving him a walking skeleton with yellow-glowing eyes. Only a shell of his former self, now he lives only to collect life sources of other creatures. Although this hero never made it, he inspired the creation of another hero, Fizz, who used Mardok’s concept ultimate.

League of Legends champions

3. Seth, the Sand Mage

As the name suggests, this hero’s abilities revolve around the manipulation and control of sand and dust. He can cast spells and receive buffs as long as he is near sand. This means that he cannot deal consistent damage. In the end, Riot Games designers decided to go with  command/emperor concept and came up with Azir. Azir then came on to replace Seth in the official game.

League of Legends champions

4. Omen

A four-legged monster, with sharp teeth and spikes on his back and tail, this concept looked promising to be an official hero later in the game. However, Omen was later removed, simply because Riot Games didn’t have a clear direction for him at the time. They couldn’t decide Omen to be a melee or range DPS hero. They were also undecided on the style of the ultimate move as well. So, in the end, although Omen’s development has already gone halfway, the unfortunate hero remains in limbo, and later Riven was chosen.

League of Legends champions

5. Ao Shin

Since official release, players have asked Riot Games for a dragon hero. That is truly an interesting concept, and Riot Games wasted no time to create such a hero among the ranks of the League of Legends champions. It seemed as though fans’ wish was granted, when Ao Shin was teased in the support comic and concept arts. But his development was held back and delayed multiple times because of production difficulties. However, Riot has confirmed that Aurelion Sol is Ao Shin’s successor, thus bringing the whole story to an end.

League of Legends champions

Unfortunate League of Legends champions that never came

Those are the most notable 5 League of Legends champions that never made it to the final product. Their concepts look great and cool, however circumstances did not allow Riot to introduce them. Do you wish to see these heroes in the game?