Valve is working on new singleplayer game, may return to Half-Life!

Valve, the company behind the most popular gaming platform for PC, Steam, has recently announced some big news. Apparently, the company is working on a new singleplayer game, as well as considering going back to the Half-Life universe!


Valve is working on new singleplayer game, may return to Half-Life!

Game Newell, the president of Valve, and a god to all gamers (thanks to all the Steam sales), recently held an AMA (ask-me-anything) session on Reddit. During the session, he revealed that the company, Valve, is indeed working on a new game. Now, not much details have been shared by Newell, but he said that the game will be a singleplayer game, and that it will use the Source 2 engine. DotA 2 has recently been upgraded to that engine, and Team Fortress 2 and CS: GO may be next in line. A similar future can be said to Left 4 Dead too.

Of course, one of the most asked questions of all time for gamers was also brought up: Will there be Half-Life 3? He just replied that “the number 3 must not be said”. However, when asked whether the universes of Half-Life and Portal will be revisited again in the future, he gave his confirmation. So, you can still keep making the “Half-Life 3 confirmed!” jokes, but remember that the game itself is not out of the question.


Also, during the session, Newell also confirmed that Valve is designing VR games. Additionally, they are also developing a “knuckles controller” device, which sounds really interesting, as VR and more interactive gadgets are the future of gaming (we have covered a device that can help you virtually “kick” in-game before). Last but not least, he also explained what has been done recently to Steam to improve its customer service (a game has been removed for fake reviews), and expressed his desire to improve it further.

Valve is looking busy, and that is a good sign!

So, we know that Valve is actively making games of its own, and is continuously improving its customer experience. It is very good for PC players. Hopefully, our Lord and savior Gaben can grace us with more discount!