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FREE PUBLIC WI-FI at 400 Indian railway stations will be supplied by Google

This can be good news to India: Google will provide FREE public Wi-Fi at up to 400 railway stations. Connecting to the internet will be much easier… 

Google to equip 100 railway stations with free Wi-Fi this year

As far as we know, Delhi Metro is working on Free Wi-Fi, but they are not the only one. Google is also cooperating with the Indian Railways and Railtel to get more railway stations equipped with High-Speed Wireless Internet access. Speaking more specifically, 100 stations are in the plan by the end of 2016 and a total of 400 ones for the next years. More interestingly, Wi-Fi is free to every passenger as well as visitor.

At the moment, the service has already been available at nine stations. They are Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Ernakulam Jn, Kacheguda, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Vijayawada, and Vishakhapatnam. And just in January 2016, Mumbai Central became the 10th spot. So, there are 90 more to go this year and eventually to cover 300 more. Actually, the plan is part of Google’s mission to connect India with the Web. And after outlining it last December, Google India appears to be performing everything pretty well.

Moreover, recently Mr. Rajan Anandan – the managing director for South East Asia and India, has announced their Project Loon, which will be tested by Google and local telecom service providers. Its main purpose is said to be sending internet to users in flying balloons. Interesting, huh?!

The benefits are…

It seems like Google India wants to bring people convenience by giving them free Wi-Fi to access no matter where they are. It can be at a station or in a balloon. Obviously that will help much since the passengers can easily check schedules, relax by surfing the Net while waiting for the trains, or showing those on the ground what it looks like in a flying balloon. (Souce: igyaan)

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