Price Pony

Nokia phones confirmed to come in May

Everyone now believes in the comeback of Nokia. More Nokia phones confirmed are coming soon this May. In case you have been waiting for so long, it is next month! There is another interesting update…

Nokia phones confirmed to come in May: which ones are they?

After the release of its Nokia 6 and recent Nokia 6 Silver, HDM has shared its ambitious plans to launch more Nokia phones. The release is globally aimed at 120 markets. What rumors said was the release of Nokia 3 and Nokia 5. And they will not come until May. Today, we got confirmed by 2 more retailers. Carphone Warehouse said the same month for Nokia phones to show up.

Carphone Warehouse is the first retailer to open registration for all Nokia phones. The company also observed a great pre-registration. That showed a high level of interest from their customers. CPW is so excited to see what “comes to market in May”. However, CPW was not the only one retailer to confirm this. Retailer Clove had their words over the case. It has also listed all Nokia phones confirmed and their release date in May.

In addition, CPW revealed a great interest for Nokia 3310. This is a 2017 version of the original and will get a new appearance. However, the phone retailer was not sure if it would come into real orders. CPW explained this might come from “nostalgic reasons”. Sometimes people just want to feel the past and therefore get to buy the phone “they used 15 years ago”. The two phones we expect to see the most are Nokia 3 and Nokia 5. They have passed some certifications at FCC and are very like to arrive this May.

Nokia phones confirmed: which one are you waiting for?

While Nokia fans are looking forward to the launch of Nokia Android phones, some may not be aware of the comeback. The Nokia 6 Silver sold out in minutes and is coming in more colors soon. Which one do you like the most?


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