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Smartphone charger tips: how to make them last longer

Besides batteries, smartphone chargers also play an important role in charging smartphones. Without the charger, you can’t refuel your device. Today, we give you some tips to keep your smartphone charger longer. 

Smartphone chargers: keep them in dry and safe places

First, you should never unplug the charger by pulling the cable. Always to remember to remove the charger by pulling its head. If you keep pulling the cable for a long time, your smartphone charger will be out of order. The cord of the charger will be damaged. You won’t be able to refuel your phone with this charger. Secondly, you should separate the USB and the head of your smartphone charger when not in use. This will make charger last longer.

Thirdly, keep your charger in places where there is no water. Like your smartphone (except for the one with waterproof feature), the charger can be damaged by water. Many people have the habit of bringing their smartphones along with chargers to the bathroom when taking a bath. This can ruin your charger quickly. Additionally, harsh temperatures could destroy your smartphone charger. So, just put it in a dry and safe place. Don’t leave it under the sunlight or too cold/hot places.

Also, use the surge protector. Electrical surges can damage your device anytime. So, to make sure that your handset won’t be ruined, just use the surge protector. If you have used the surge protector for a long time, just replace it with a new one.

Smartphone chargers: easily damaged

Smartphone chargers are also easily broken down as our smartphones. Your charger can be ruined if you put it in the harsh temperatures or let it near water sources. So, with all those tips above, you can help your handset last longer. If you want to know more about our smartphone tips, just keep following our page!

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