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New feature on Facebook messenger: Conversation topics

Facebook is the most popular social platform which attracts millions of users throughout the world. They always make ongoing effort to enhance the customers’ experience. Lately, a new feature call Conversation topic has been tried on Facebook. So, what’s exactly it is?

Facebook: conversation topics to suggest your talk

This new feature of Facebook lies underneath a friend’s name in the new section. It suggests your conversation by announcing things your friends have done lately. If your friends update their activities on Facebook, from the song they’ve just listened, to the event they’re going, or any nearby activities, the new feature will show up to tell you this. From those suggestions, you might know what to start a conversation or how to keep it going on.

The main idea behind this new feature is to help its users. In case you don’t know how to break the ice with a new friend, or simply want to say hello to the old one, this new feature will surely help you to do that. Besides suggesting conversation topics, this feature will help you update your friends’ life without squandering time on scrolling the NewsFeed.

Besides those advantages that this feature brings, we also remind users that we shouldn’t update all of our private activities to social media. Of course it is great to see that Facebook cares about its’ users events and life, but maybe too much care might be counterproductive. So, it’s all your responsibility to choose what you should share on this huge social media.

Facebook: more features to wait!

Conversation Topics is not the only that Facebook is working on. They are always developing ways to connect more and more users. However, it is still unclear when Conversation topics feature will be integrated to Messenger globally. They are just giving it a try to see whether it will work effectively or not. We, personally, this new feature is quite worth waiting for. How about you?

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