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Resident Evil 7 producer shares why the game is scary

Resident Evil 7 has been launched on January 24. The game is expected to sell about 4 million copies, and is doing firmly well on that path. Recently, the producer of the game has sit down and talked about why the game is scary!

Resident Evil 7 producer shares why the game is scary

One could consider Resident Evil 7 a watershed moment for the franchise. It has, in many ways, returned to what the series is all about: survival horror. Recently, the series’ producer, Masachika Kawata, has shared how the development team managed to bring home the feels of Resident Evil. Short answer is, the change in camera perspective plays a big role in this, as it allows players to immerse in the adventure more, and not as spectators.

Kawata shared that a switch to first-person perspective would enhance the immersion and allow players to feel the game, and in turn bring them closer to the horror. That is what the game has promised, and it delivers. The struggle in the game feels more personal than ever. In the game, Ethan, the game’s protagonist, constantly has his space invaded by lurching monsters, and it shows splendidly in first-person view. The environment also helped greatly in this: the creaking floor, the tight hallways, etc. all add to the thrill and the horror of exploring the game.

Furthermore, the game also hit the nail on the fear it instilled: the fear of death, and above all, the fear of isolation. Players are, for the most part of the game, doing everything alone. There is nothing for them to communicate to the outside world. There are hopes along the way, like the sheriff you met, but he eventually were brutally murdered. Allies you found also fell prey to the terror one by one. On VR, this game promises to be even more scary!

Resident Evil 7: A right step to the root of the series

Resident Evil 7 has taken gamers back to where players want, survival horror. The game is now available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. The VR version has also been released. If you have enough guts, go and try this game!

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