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Reasons why you should use Google photos

There are a lot of cloud storage service nowadays, namely Apple’s iCloud, Dropbox’s Carousel, etc, but Google Photos is still outstanding in the crowd. So why should you use Google photos? Let’s find out today!

Reasons to use Google Photos

The very first advantage that need to be mentioned is free unlimited storage offer. With photos under 16MP and videos up to 1080 resolution, you can store them in Google storage. Secondly, the search function is really amazing. You can find your photos by typing the keywords. For example, if your picture depicts mountainous scenery, you can type the word “mountain”, all the related photos will show up.

Thirdly it can work in various devices. If you have a laptop, a Macbook, or even an Android tablet, you can access to the app. The fourth reason is very interesting. Google Photos Assistant can create animations, collages, movies and stories from your photos. Besides, it automatically adds effects to photos. Of course, it will ask you whether you want to keep the altered photo or not.

In case you take some photos in succession, it will stitch them together to create a panoramic view.  Last but not least, If you have stored videos, it’s easy to upload them on to YouTube. Using the web version, select the option “Import your videos from Google Photos”. This option is especially useful if you want to upload videos from you phone, or that have been sent to you via message.

Google Photos: highly recommended

The service was launch last year and it is more and more popular to many users. It is available in both iOS and Android device. With Google Photos, storage and sharing photos as well as videos have never been easy and convenient like that. Let’s download and give it a try.

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